Spinning Babies® Parent Class

 As 1 of only 4  Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educators in Australia, I’m delighted to bring you the  Spinning Babies® Parent Class.  Now with two formats to choose from:

  • In-Person Class (Melbourne & surrounding suburbs)
  • Online Guided Class (outside of Melbourne)

Why Spinning Babies®?

Spinning Babies®  provides an approach for comfort and ease in pregnancy and childbirth, highlighting your baby‘s active role.  “The baby’s job in labour is to rotate, the birthing person’s job is to dilate!”  We believe that a baby’s position isn’t random – a baby will get into the space available – and a baby’s position can significantly impact when labour begins and how it progresses. Yet, thinking only of the size of the baby or the pelvis isn’t enough.  Birth anatomy can be flexibleBoth the uterus and the pelvis have more available room when the muscles and other soft tissues (ligaments and fascia) are balanced.  As Gail Tully, founder of Spinning Babies® says, “we can use the Three Principles of Spinning Babies®: Balance, Gravity and Movement℠ as a key place in our daily pregnancy lifestyle as we move towards a healthy birth.”

What you’ll learn in the Spinning Babies® Parent Class:

  • How your birth partner can help you in pregnancy and birth using  the Spinning Babies® approach
  • Practical and detailed preparation to balance the body with a focus on the soft tissues of the pelvis (muscles, ligaments and fascia) to increase comfort in pregnancy and to add ease in birth
  • Demonstration and guided practice of techniques like The Three Balances℠ (Jiggle, Forward-leaning Inversion, Side-lying Release), Daily Essential Activities, Rest Smart Positions and much more 
  • How to help your baby into an optimal position to fit YOUR pelvis to help labour begin on time and proceed more smoothly
  • The dynamics of labour and birth – how your body and baby work together and how we can enhance that process
  • Targeted solutions for if labour seems long, painful or has a stall, by opening the three levels of the pelvis to let the baby come through more easily, at each stage of labour
  • Connecting with your baby and understanding their position with Belly Mapping®

Benefits of Spinning Babies® Techniques

  • Decrease the need for medical interventions
  • Decrease pain
  • Increase comfort
  • Allow baby to achieve a more ideal position
  • Support a spontaneous start and finish to labor
  • Allow your baby to move down more easily with contractions

Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques in pregnancy and during labour and birth.  Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!  


Option 1: In-Person Spinning Babies® Parent Class (Melbourne & surrounding suburbs)

Personalised, hands-on education and support in the comfort of your own home* or in my studio in Northcote. 

The three-hour Parent Class consists of:

  • Slide show presentation and discussion
  • Detailed explanation and demonstration of birth anatomy and the labour process with a variety of creative props
  • Lots of hands-on, guided movement activities to help you develop comfort and confidence in using Spinning Babies® techniques

Also included:

  • Booklet with class handouts and Belly Mapping® worksheets
  • Access to the Spinning Babies® Online Parent Portal, including the Parent Class Companion ebook and digital handouts
  • Availability by phone, text or email for follow-up support

Your investment:

  • $295 for classes in my studio in Northcote or
  • $375 for classes in your home*

Contact me now to book your class!

*If your home is more than a 30-minute drive from Northcote, an additional travel fee applies.  Also, I use a heavy massage table and lots of props in this class thus parking must be available near your front door and there must not be many stairs to the room where the class will take place (unless you have a strong partner or friend who’s willing to carry the table for me).


Option 2:  Online Guided Spinning Babies® Parent Class (outside of Melbourne)

Though the format may differ from the in-person class, the content, connection and loving support are as similar as possible.

The Online Guided Spinning Babies® Parent Class includes:

  • A 15-minute video call introduction
  • A 1.5-hour private video call class to clarify concepts as well as to observe (and help refine) as you practice the Spinning Babies® techniques. Learn how to create more comfort in pregnancy as well as ease and pleasure in birth!

Also included:

  • Streaming/download of the Spinning Babies® Parent Class video (an AU$45 value)
  • Streaming/download of the Spinning Babies® Daily Essentialsvideo (an AU$28 value)
  • Access to the Spinning Babies® Online Parent Portal, including the Parent Class Companion ebook and digital handouts
  • Availability by phone, text or email for follow-up support

Your investment: $200   Contact me now to book your class!


Words of praise from recent class participants…

Laura Lee was a wonderful teacher, really informative and clear. She guided me and my sister through the practices and had heaps of tips and information. We really enjoyed the class and felt it was SO useful! We both felt we were being armed with techniques that could be really beneficial during labour and even pre-labour. (Tammy) 

Absolutely loved Laura Lee’s class, she is so knowledgeable – I came away with so much useful information and great techniques to practice and use during labour. I feel so much more equipped to hopefully have a much less medicalised 3rd birth.   (Melissa)  

Thoroughly enjoyed the class and so informative. It gives me more confidence knowing I can be proactive during birth and have strategies to deal with challenges that arise during labour. (Julie)

Laura Lee is a fantastic teacher and birth support person. She made it so easy to understand how, why and what to do. Highly recommend her and this class. (Emmal)

Laura Lee came to our house and presented the Spinning Babies Parent Class to my husband and me.  It was very exciting seeing her bring in all the equipment including models of the pelvis and uterus as well as various exercise tools!  I was so blown away by the information she was able to give us in the 3 hours or so that she was with us. This was not just an exercise class, this was a lesson on anatomy and biomechanics as well as an incredible support service. Laura Lee was always happy to answer questions, hear stories and let me even have a cry.   I now have a much better understanding of the Spinning Babies 3 sisters of balance and daily essentials as well as various other techniques, and how these help the body become better aligned and prepared for birth. Having had a cesarean in my first pregnancy due to a breech baby I am now extremely determined to do as much as I can in my current pregnancy to ensure that my baby is in the ideal position for birth so I can achieve my strong desires for a VBAC.  Thank you, Laura Lee, what a life-changing experience! I only wish this kind of education could be spread through all hospitals and known by all midwives and obstetricians.  (Narada)

Spinning Babies Products – Available Here for your Convenience

Helping Your Breech Baby Turn eBook